FPSWars - Ladders/Leagues/Tournaments
Here is a short and sweet breakdown of how to get going on FPSWars!
Register here from THIS home page, to the right in the Login Form box where it says, "Create an account". Once you register, go to your email and click the verification link (check your spam/bulk box if you don't see it in your Inbox). You will then be automatically registered for all three (3) sections of the website, so just use the same username and password you created at sign-up, and use that for the Home page (Comm Center), Ladders (War Room) and the Barracks (Forum). We have created a special plugin that logs you in to all sections of the site, so once you log into one section, it should automatically log you into the other sections, saving you time from having to log in multiple times.
If you need to know what your Player ID is (needed to be added to a team), just log-in, go to the War Room and see where it says something similar to:
Welcome Rogue
Your Player ID is 13
Server Time: Fri 8:30 PM
To create your team, click on, "Join a Ladder" in the Player Manager. Then choose the Ladder you want to create your team on and click, "Join Ladder". On the next page, you can join using a current team, or Create a New Team. From there it should be self-explanatory. If you should have any questions or problems, try using the FAQ's first. If you can't find your answer(s) there, you can use the forum as the next best source to find your answers.
FPSWars Admin
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to FPSWars everyone! Sorry for the long delay but we decided to clean out some stuff as well as add some. What you are seeing, is the HOME page of FPSWars, which is called the COMM Center. From the main menu on the left or the menu on top, you can click on the LADDERS link, also called the War Room, which will take you to the part of the website where you will begin to create your ladder profile, your team and challenge/accept matches. So what are you waiting for? Give it a go and if you have any problems, just ask.
We're glad to be back and hope previous members as well as new members find FPSWars an exciting place to show the gaming world just who is #1.
-FPSWars Team-