Home Store FAQs General If I have a graphic that I created (fan-made), could I send it to you to create an existing product?

If I have a graphic that I created (fan-made), could I send it to you to create an existing product?

A: Sure! Although we don't necessarily have an image upload module specifically for that but you can send us your image via email or via the "Submit Ticket", located in the top menu bar. We do, however, require a minimum quantity amount depending on what item it is. For instance, buttons require a minimum of 50 pieces; keychains and magnets require a minimum of 25 pieces; posters require a minimum of 4 pieces, etc... These are considered 'bulk' quantities and a discount will be given, depending on the final piece count.

If you want to share your fan-made image(s) with the rest of the community, you can request that as well. We will print your copyright, name and or website, on the "brim" of the image for the first 500 items. After that, the copyright, name and or website will be removed on future prints. We believe it is a fair exchange. If you do not care to provide any kind of copyright, name and or website to expose yourself, that is fine as well.

We may, in the future, do some sort of compensation for providing your self-made image but for now, we can only offer your advertisement on the "brim" of the image.

This is a multi step process that will most likely be exchanged via emails and we will do our best to make sure we get it right the first time around.