Home Ladder Information Ladder violations and abuse breakdown

Ladder violations and abuse breakdown

Mentioned here are consequences that players/teams will face when doing the negative things that affect and conflict with other teams within the FPSWars Ladders.

Each type of Violation/abuse is separate so the consequences should not be combined. If two Violation/abuse actions have taken place against one clan at the same time, the consequence that is higher will be enforced against that clan.

No Show for Opponent
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss
o 3rd offense - Forfeit loss
o 4th offense - 2 week suspension on involved Ladder
o 5th offense - 1 month suspension on involved Ladder
Notes: These offenses must happen within a 2-month period and all must be on the same Ladder.

Failed to upload demos (requested or mandatory)
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss
o 3rd offense - Forfeit loss
o 4th offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension on involved Ladder
o 5th offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension on ALL Ladders
o Following offenses - Same as 4th offense
Notes: N/A.

Use of Smurfs
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss
o 3rd offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension on involved Ladder
o 4th offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension on ALL Ladders
o Following offenses - Same as 3rd offense
Notes: These offenses must happen within a 3-month period and all must be on the same Ladder.

Fake Matches Created
o 1st offense - 1 month suspension on ALL Ladders
o 2nd offense - Permanent suspension on ALL Ladders.
Notes: If clan is discovered creating a new clan while on suspension to keep playing matches, all players from that clan will be permanently banned from Ladders.

Fake Account Created For A Clan Match
o 1st offense - N/A
o 2nd offense - N/A
o 3rd offense - Account deletion
Notes: If a player is discovered to be suspected of creating multiple accounts and is used to play its own clan, those accounts will be deleted, if guilty.

Clan Used Cheater In A Match
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss; 2 week suspension on involved Ladder
o Following offenses - Same as 1st offense
Notes: These include complex cheats such as Pk3's, OpenGL, etc.. as well as simple cheats such as CVARs.

Verbally Abusing Opponent and/or Admin In Match Conflict
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss
o 3rd offense - Forfeit loss; 2 week suspension on involved Ladder
o 4th offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension on ALL Ladders
o Following offenses - Same as 3rd offense

Faking Nationality Within A Regional Match
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss; Clan must enter the correct Ladder for their region.
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension within ALL region Ladders of the Game
o 3rd offense - Forfeit loss; 2 month suspension within ALL region Ladders of the Game
o Following offenses - Same as 3rd offense
Notes: After the 1st offense, the guilty clan must enter the correct Ladder(s) for their region. If consistent offenses (after the 3rd offense) are initiated by a clan just to be an annoyance, then that clan will be deleted from the incorrect region. Banishment from ALL FPSWars Ladders will be in strict consideration.

Not Enough Players In Region
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss if game played; 2 week suspension within ALL region Ladders of the Game.
o Following offenses - Same as 1st offense
Notes: No matches need to be played if already in a Ladder.

Faking Nationality/Not Enough Players In Region
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss if game played; 1 month suspension within ALL region Ladders of the Game
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss if game played; 3 month suspension within ALL region Ladders of the Game
o Following offenses - Same as 2nd offense
Notes: No matches need to be played if already in a Ladder.

Unnecessary Conflicts
o 1st offense - Forfeit loss
o 2nd offense - Forfeit loss
o 3rd offense - Forfeit loss
o 4th offense - Forfeit loss; 1 month suspension on involved Ladder
o Following offenses - Same as 4th offense
Notes: Considering that All conflicts resulted in a loss.

Excessive No-Shows

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